Yorkshire cabs is a place for passengers to find a ride with a taxi business, minicab business or private hire business. It is not one of these businesses.
Ride means the journey from where a passenger starts and enters the vehicle and the location the passenger ends and exists the vehicle.
A ride is a contract between the passenger and the driver. This starts when the driver accepts the passengers request or booking. Yorkshire cabs is not responsible for the drivers actions and any complaints should be made directly with them or the licencing authority or the police.
The driver is the person driving the vehicle you have made the contract with.
The driver is responsible for ensuring the passengers safety for the complete journey of the ride that is booked via Yorkshire cabs..
The passenger is to check the vehicle is the correct vehicle by checking the car is the correct make and colour, has the correct authority licence plate and correct car registration. The passenger should check the driver is the correct driver and that the driver has the correct licence badge. If the passenger suspects or finds that any of these are incorrect or not available, the passenger must not enter the vehicle and report all findings immediately to the Police.
Yorkshire cabs or any people associated with Yorkshire cabs will not be recording or keeping any passenger details. Passengers must read and understand the privacy policy for Cab Treasure found on their booking app.
Cab Treasure is the software provider being used for customers to find and book a ride.
The passenger is to book the ride themselves, be a minimum age of 18 and not have anyone else do this on their behalf.
Any information and details taken from the drivers is entered onto the software provided by Cab Treasure. Yorkshire cabs does not hold any information of the drivers separately and will not use this information for anything other than for the use of the software. Drivers must read and understand the privacy policy for Cab Treasure.
Yorkshire cabs will charge the customer to find a ride with a taxi business, minicab business or private hire business.
Yorkshire cabs will pay an agreed price to the business that provides the ride. This price will be lower than the price charged to the passenger. Drivers may also be charged a weekly amount to cover administrative, advertising and any other running costs.
If the ride is not as expected, the driver may ask for an additional amount to cover this. For example if the journey becomes a multidrop of passengers not within the agreed direct route. If the passenger is unhappy with this and has unsuccessfully tried to come to a mutual agreement with the driver. The passenger should obtain a receipt and then make a formal complaint with the licencing authority.
Passenger will still be charged if they are not at the agreed starting place for the ride, or if they cancel the agreed ride.
The collection of passenger payment via the booking app and payment to the driver will be operated and controlled by Cab Treasure. Yorkshire cabs does not have any involvement with this and will not record or see any details required to make this happen. You must read and understand the privacy policy regarding this with Cab Treasure.
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